
A Little About Who We Are

Along with the whole Christian Church we hold to the Trinitarian faith expressed in the historic Christian creeds.


As part of the United Reformed Church we find the supreme authority for faith and conduct in the Word of God in the Bible, discerned under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and we look to be continually renewed and reformed so as to fulfil our mission of witness and service in the name of Jesus Christ


As part of the Methodist Church we are called to respond to the gospel of God's unbounded love in Christ and to live out our calling in worship, in learning and caring, in service, and in evangelism.


In worship we, as a Church and as individuals

  • give praise to God in Christ through the Spirit
  • remember the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross by celebrating his sacraments
  • open ourselves to God's transforming love, however it is revealed
  • offer ourselves to share in God's costly action in the world

In mission we, as a Church and as individuals seek to respond to and therefore to express God's unbounded love for all; for example by

  • telling the good news of Jesus to all, without distinction
  • calling people to faith in Jesus Christ and to Christian discipleship and encouraging them to express that faith
  • caring for, sharing with and standing alongside individual people and communities, whether Christian or not, with all that that implies in love, in selfgiving, in understanding, in support, in nurture, in justice and in truth
Churches Together in Wotton

We take an active part in all ecumenical activities in Wotton and the surrounding area. The United Church is a member of Churches Together In Wotton, and is a supporter of The Ark Coffee Shop.


You will find more details on how we run the church here.


In 2003 the Church adopted the Mission Statement displayed in our heading above. A more detailed exposition of it can be found here.


In 2000 the Church adopted a website policy.