Methodist Worship Books are available but they are not kept in the seats so please tell your steward if you intend to use them.
Bibles will be in the seats - we use the New International Version.
Although the words of hymns and songs are displayed on the screens, there are a few people who find that difficult, so we like to supply books as well.
The hymn books available are "Singing The Faith", "Hymns and Psalms" and "Mission Praise" - the combined edition - and our own "United In Worship".
This is a new hymn book from the Methodist Church. There do seem to be a large number of traditional hymns omitted from it, and although on the whole we do use it now as our normal book it may be best to regard it as complementary to our other books. Even if you find the hymn you want, it is a good idea to check the words, because some hymn texts have been radically changed.
In particular, "Singing The Faith" contains a different selection of psalms from "Hymns and Psalms", unpointed and without musical settings, and emphatically for responsorial use - several would be very difficult to use antiphonally. Check carefully!
"Singing The Faith" contains some attractive modern liturgical musical material, an area that the other books do not cover well. If your service contains a strong liturgical form, you may well find this aspect valuable.
This was until recently the usual Methodist hymn book. It is a good mix of traditional hymns, but obviously has a strong Methodist bias in its selection. There is a selection of psalms and 'canticles' (unmetrical texts printed in psalm style) pointed and set to anglican chants, which can also be spoken responsorially or antiphonally.
This is not quite the newest edition; it goes up to number 798.
It contains a good selection of well known songs and choruses from the second half of the last century, together with a sprinkling of older hymns.
Again, if you are unfamiliar with the book, it is a good idea to check the words, not just the first line - many of the older hymn texts have been radically changed.
This is a collection of 95 additional hymns, songs and choruses which we produced for our own needs a few years ago. A complete list of first lines is available here.