The United Ramblers go for an easy walk together once a month, enjoying our magnificent countryside.
In practice we can get any number from four to twenty joining us.
The walks are usually around four to six miles, led by someone within the group. We meet at the church on the first Monday of the month ready to leave at 10.00am prompt. We drive to the start (and end) of the walk. After the circular walk, we have lunch at a convenient pub or an occasional picnic - weather permitting. We are generally back home by 3.00pm.
It is by no means confined to our Church members. There are often more people who do not come to our church than those who do. This enables new friendships to be made and it is a lovely social occasion.
If you would like to join us, just turn up!
We have an annual Christmas dinner at a local pub or restaurant which is also an open invitation to non walkers (partners, friends, etc.).